Volunteer Opportunities
Ready to dive in and serve? Opportunities abound at Trinity Lutheran for our congregants to get actively involved. Ask how you can serve Trinity Lutheran Church. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Jason (office@reddingtlc.org) or Pastor Brian Cummins (pastorbrian@reddingtlc.org)
Recurring Opportunities
+ ELC Parents Night Out, February - Annual
The Center provides students’ parents and guardians a night off in celebration of St.Valentine’s Day with free childcare. Volunteers supervise indoor and outdoor play and help prepare a simple dinner for the children in their care. *Volunteers must be screened before being allowed to work this event.
+ ELC Rummage Sale, May - Annual
Proceeds from the annual Rummage Sale in May help fund Early Learning Center programming. The Center always welcomes more hands on deck for this major event.
+ Vacation Bible School, June - Annual
Trinity Lutheran hosts a popular Vacation Bible School in early June every year. VBS serves as a free summer day camp for local families. We are always encouraging volunteers with a heart for sharing the gospel in a caring environment to apply. Please see Pastor or Jason to learn more.
+ Harvest Fair, October, Annual
Children and adults alike have a spooktacular time every Fall at Trinity’s annual Harvest Fair. Carnival games, pumpkins, live entertainment, costumes, and buckets of candy all make the evening a family-friendly time you’ll be sure to remember. Volunteers for this event help with everything from managing game stations, candy donations, to setup and clean up.
+ Operation Christmas Child, November/December - Annual
Trinity participates in Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child. Volunteers have the option to help fill boxes and participate in packing parties. More information can be found on the Operation Christmas Child website.
+ LWML Women's Tea, Spring - Annual
The Lutheran Women's Ministry League hosts a themed Spring Tea Fundraiser each year to support local and overseas missions.
+ Lenten Midweek Suppers, Late Winter/Early Spring - Annual
Midweek suppers are offered every week during the season of Lent. They are followed by a Worship service in the sanctuary. This is a wonderful time to invite friends to learn more about the saving grace of Christ in our lives in the weeks leading up to Easter. Volunteers are asked to bring dishes for supper and to help with clean up. Weekly sign-ups alternate between desserts and sides.
+ Advent Midweek Suppers, December - Annual
Midweek suppers are offered every week during the season of Advent. They are followed by a Worship service in the sanctuary. This is a wonderful time to invite friends and family to learn more about the Christ child in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Volunteers are asked to bring dishes for supper and to help with clean up. Weekly sign-ups alternate between desserts and sides.
+ Youth Mission Adventures & Outreach - As Opportunity Allows
Youth in response to the compelling love of Jesus Christ actively love others in practical ways. In outreaches, youth are given opportunities to go further and participate on a ground level - acting as ambassadors outside of church & youth group. Some past adventures include The Lot, Angel Tree, Bell Ringing, Mission Trips, Loaves and Fishes, and Nursing Home Outreach. Volunteers must be screened before working in a supervisory role.