Sunday Worship Ministries
Sunday Worship
Gathering to worship on Sunday is a highlight for us since it is the one time each week when the whole church has the opportunity to worship together.
We believe the church extends beyond the four walls of our building, influencing every aspect of our life and relationships. We look forward to our Sunday Worship as a time where we can physically gather together to worship our Lord Jesus Christ and be rejuvenated in His presence as a group. We hope you will join us!
What to Expect
We understand visiting a church for the first time might feel a little intimidating. Here's what to expect at a Sunday Worship service at Trinity Lutheran.
Our Worship Service begins at 9:00 a.m. and usually lasts about one hour. Our service is a blended service with both traditional hymns and contemporary music.
The Lutheran liturgy is a worship format rich with history and filled with the Gospel. While the liturgy may seem daunting at first, we do our best to make it as accessible as possible. Lutheran Service Books with the order of service are included in every pew as well as congregational (group) responses and song lyrics are displayed on two screens flanking the front of the Sanctuary.
When you arrive, a friendly person will greet you and provide you with a service guide. They can help answer any questions you may have about seating and the service guide. Children are more than welcome to sit with their families in the Sanctuary. We also provide busy-bags for young children who would like quiet activities to do during the service. We also have a nursery room available, if you need to step out with your children.
The service guide will give you an idea of what to expect during our worship time together. Our service includes time for congregational singing, confession and absolution, prayers, scripture readings, sermon, profession of faith, holy communion*, and benediction.
At the conclusion of our service, it is customary for our Pastor to shout, “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!” as a dismissal. Please don’t be alarmed if your neighbor enthusiastically shouts, “Thanks be to God!” in response.
To learn more about our Liturgical Tradition, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Brian; pastorbrian@reddingtlc.org. To view the Liturgical Calendar, you can visit the LCMS website.
*We provide both blessed wine and alcohol-free grape juice during communion. We also can supply gluten-free wafers for those with special dietary restrictions. Please let one of our ushers know when you arrive of your dietary needs.