Groups & Studies Ministries
Bible Studies & Life Groups at Trinity Lutheran
Adult Bible Studies
Every Sunday at 10:45 a.m., Pastor Brian leads a themed Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in helping lead a Bible Study, please contact Pastor Brian.
Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 75 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Check the Church Calendar to see when the next meeting is.
Men’s Bible Study
Every Thursday starting with a light snack at 7:00 AM, with the bible study starting at 7:30 AM.
Women’s Bible Study
Every Thursday starting at 10:00 AM
Women’s Evening Bible Study
Wednesday evenings starting at 5:15 PM. This bible study is led by Jayne Cummins. This will take place in the Fellowship Hall, most evenings, unless there is a scheduled event. The alternate location will be in our Sanctuary at the same time.
People Alone Love Support (PALS)
PALS is a group for widows, widowers, and seniors who meet over lunch on the first Thursday of every month except July. Group members keep in touch and check in on each other when facing illness or hospital stays.
Children and Youth
Sunday Nursery
We have a nursery available, if you need to step out with your child(ren). It is located adjacent to the Sanctuary, that has a see through window. This window allows you to view the Sanctuary, while inside the nursery area. There are several types of toys to hopefully keep your little one stimulated during your stay here at Trinity.
Youth Activities
Our youth are our present and future. We make it our priority to provide a safe space for Junior High and High School age adolescents to gather and grow in their faith and walk with Jesus. Whether it be camping trips, lock-ins, praise team participation, mission adventures, or youth group outings, our aim is to enrich our youth with diverse experiences that strengthen their faith while navigating life.
Confirmation and Individualized Studies
Looking to deepen your knowledge of Lutheran teachings? Or do you believe your child is ready to be confirmed? E-mail Pastor Brian to schedule a meeting regarding the confirmation process or to learn more.