Our Call
Believe. Live. Love. Proclaim.
“Proclaiming Jesus Christ so that all may know God and grow in faith toward Him and in love toward one another.”
At Trinity, our mission is to grow our community into lifelong disciples of Jesus through knowledge and faith in Christ. Whether it be the people who gather within our building, the citizens of the community we live in, or wherever we find ourselves on this planet, we are called to love those around us because He loved us first.
We strive to strengthen every individual’s knowledge and faith in God’s ever present love and forgiveness revealed in the life of Jesus. We appreciate the many walks we come from and seek to provide studies and life groups to enhance every seeker’s walk.
Our hearts’ desire is to share this loving grace we have experienced with the community at large. Emphasizing the Christian family life as the focal point of our efforts, we aim to sustain families through pre-school and after school care, worship, Bible studies, music, devotions, Sunday school, and charity work.
Our Seven Core Values
God’s Word - is our top priority.
Living our Faith - in thought, word and deed is our response to God’s great love for us.
Lutheranism - in its historical witness of keeping Jesus central is the life of our church.
Christian Education - is a means for us to pass the faith onto the next generation, our community and the world through mission activities and evangelism.
Human Care - is a way for us to encourage and support the membership of our congregation through the challenges and changes of life.
Music Ministry - is a means for us to worship God and sing His praises boldly as His people.
Lay Leadership - is gifts used by God to encourage His people to carry out His Mission and Ministry.
Who is Jesus?
The central mission of our community is to proclaim Jesus, therefore it is important we understand who Jesus Christ of Nazareth is. Select each statement below to learn more.
Jesus is the Son of God.
Old Testament prophets spoke of His coming and described the eternal and life-changing impact He would have.
Jesus is both God and man
He calmed the seas and walked on water. With a touch of His hand, he cured incurable diseases. He restored life to those who had physically died.
Jesus personifies love.
He paid the ultimate price so that we could live with Him forever. He sees us through the eyes of unconditional love. (John 3:16, Romans 8:38-39)
Jesus offers forgiveness to all.
Through His sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha, Jesus paid the debt of sin that rests on humanity. He loves us in spite of every hurtful thought, every harmful word, and every wrongful action. These are all a result of sin, which contaminates everything we do. It is behind every broken home, every empty life, every infirmity, every damaged emotion, every sorrow and grief. And as the Bible says, the end result of sin is death. But Jesus Himself was sinless; only He could pay the penalty for our sins.
Because of his love, He suffered, died, and rose again. We are forgiven. All who believe in Jesus are guaranteed eternal life with Him in heaven. Why did Jesus do this? Because Jesus is love.